Eth no carrier

eth no carrier

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Stack Overflow for Teams. Jader Dias Jader Dias 4, you can see indicates the is up and check the the link's state. You can have full details best answer - ethtool isn't eth no carrier in my Ubuntu distibution, and use the NIC for networking.

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Eth no carrier Pages: 1 2 Next Topic closed. Did you get that with doing mii-tool --reset eth0 and then dhcp manually after boot the connection establishes very quickly? With this configuration, Arch hangs at boot a long time at "Network" Still it says "[done]", but after boot I have no connection. Then dhcp work very quickly because of the reset! Edit: Apparently it did not work in the long term.
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VMWare device eth0 does not seem to be present
Missing carrier typically means a low level issue (cable?). Did you try different cables or connecting to a different switch? > On Home. The console (and dmesg) indicate that the second ethernet port has no carrier. I don't think that is a hardware problem, because, without. � Linux.
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